The incidence of Inactive ovaries of dairy cows in China is relatively high.\nThere is no complete early warning system for the occurrence of ovarian\nquiescence in clinical cows. This test provides early warning indicators for\nclinical prediction of ovary cessation in dairy cows. This experiment selected\nblood samples of dairy cows from 60 to 90 days postpartum in the inactive\novaries group and control group. Differential proteins were selected on the\nbasis of proteomics, three energy indexes: AST, Glu, NEFA. Four reproductive\nhormones: E2, P4, FSH, LH, and four differentially expressed proteins:\nIGFBP-2, AHSG, APO-A4, and RBP-4. Key enzyme activities: ALDOB,\nLDHB, ITIH3, GPX3, SPAM1, PKM2. The ELISA test kit was used to detect\nthe content and activity of the above markers in the test bovine serum.\nThrough correlation analysis, binary logistic regression modeling and ROC\nanalysis, a single indicator early warning technique for APOA4 and ITIH3\nwas established..............